Friday 27 September 2013

Exciting times in Early Years!!!!

We thought we would share with you some fantastic work we have been doing with the children this week.

Last week the children had been playing ‘monster hunting’, linked to We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.

So this week we decided to build on this interest. We found a basket outside our classroom with a letter and some healthy fruits and vegetables. In small groups we looked at and talked about the contents of the basket. Where did it come from? Who was the letter from?

The letter came from a group of friendly monsters that had been using our woods as a picnic area. They were very happy as the woods were so clean and tidy that they had left us some presents to say ‘thank you’. After reciting the words to We’re Going on a Monster Hunt, we went to look for clues that the monsters may have left (these included pink fur, feathers, sticks and stones, and of course the PRSESENTS!!!!)

Later on we opened the presents and made ‘thank you cards’ for the monsters which we will leave out for them!

The language that the children were using and then recreating monster hunting and card making on their own was amazing!!



  1. What very kind monsters to leave presents for us. Some of the children told me they were very disappointed they hadn't actually seen the monsters. I wonder why we didn't see them.......what do you think year R? Leave a comment. Mrs Spurr

  2. Thanks to Miss Bailey for posting all the photos of the fun that Year R have been having. James is loving school and comes home every day full of stories. We weren't sure what to do with the Monster thank you card so we put a stamp on it and popped it in the postbox! It should arrive back at the school next week! Thanks again to all of the Year R staff for making James' first few weeks at school such a great experience for him! James' mum

  3. Lovely photos of Year R having fun in their first few weeks - thanks for posting them Miss Bailey!

  4. Well, well, well. What fun you've all been having!? I'm in school fairly early each morning and, very occasionally, I see the monsters as they're heading off to bed. (Our monsters seem to sleep during the daytime and come out at night). They look like friendly monsters, I'm pleased to say. I have also noticed that they're very good at tidying up, much like our new Reception children. I wonder what else our friendly monsters and our friendly children have in common...?

  5. Phoebe has really enjoyed all the friendly monster activities and especially that they are pink!
    Phoebe's Mum

  6. This looks really exciting, Year R. I wondered what you were all looking for as you went past Year 6 with Miss Bailey! I wonder which present was your favourite?


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