Thursday 6 March 2014

Paint, Cocktails and Smarties!

We've been learning about ratio this week and we've been doing lots of different hands on activities to find out how ratio works and when or where it might be useful!

We donned our paint aprons and investigated how colours change when you have different ratios of different primary colours. We soon discovered that sometimes the colour was the same when the ratio equalled another (e.g. a mix of 1:1 matched a mix of 4:4, a mix of 2:1 matched a mix of 4:2).

As mentioned last week, it's also been Fairtrade Fortnight at Kings Copse! We used Fairtrade fruit juices to investigate the ratio needed to create the best tasting fruit cocktail. We also added lemonade for an extra kick! Once we had discovered the best ratio for one cocktail, we needed to use our maths skills to work out how much of each flavour we would need for several people.

We also investigated scaling by learning Smartie ratios. We worked out the ratio of each of the different colours in our packet then used this information to solve problems. After all of that hard work, we managed to have one last treat..... we could eat the Smarties!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed doing the ratio this week as we got to use fruit juice, lemonade, smarties and the paint. Some of the cocktails tasted really nice and i liked eating the smarties. Charlie.m y6


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