Friday 24 October 2014

Striking some shapes!

We've been learning about shapes in Year 4 - particularly 3D ones. Do you know your edges from your vertices? Your points from your faces?

We used art straws and blu tack to make our own 3D shapes. The straws acted as our edges (where two faces meet) and the blu tack showed us the vertices (where at least two edges meet).

Have a look at our shapes....

Can you spot the cube? A cuboid? A square based pyramid? A hexagonal prism? A triangular prism? You might even spot a tetrahedron!

Some groups were really whizzy! This pair managed to make a squared dipyramid! (That's two square based pyramids stuck together!) Can you work out how many edges and how many vertices it has?

1 comment:

  1. After i built my pyramid I learnt that it is made of 1 square and 3 triangles. from hannah.


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