Thursday 24 September 2015

Hunting for answers!

Information Finding
In Literacy we have been learning about information texts.  Mrs Warland hid all the different features of an information text around our class room for us to find.  For some of us, she hid them in very obscure places.  We had to search for different coloured pieces and then try and build the information text. 

Some pieces were low!

Can you find the four slips of information in this image?

Can you find the three slips of paper in this image?

Some pieces were high!

It was great fun playing a game to help us learn.


  1. Mrs Warland, I really enjoyed this activity. Amy

  2. This was so interesting, thank you Mrs Warland for making learning so much fun.
    Lucy F

  3. Thank you Mrs Warland for making lessons fun for everyone.

    Abbi k

  4. Thank you Mrs Warland for making lessons fun for everyone.

    Abbi k


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