Monday 31 October 2016

Class PE Days – Autumn 2

Dear Parent,

Your child will need their PE kit in school on the following days this half term. Please note that these days may be different than those before the half term break as different classes are now having PE sessions with our PE coach, Mr Rowland.

Year Group
PE kit required on….
Mondays and Fridays
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Thursdays and Fridays
Mondays and Tuesdays
Mondays and Tuesdays

It is recommended your child has both indoor and outdoor kit in school as the weather at this time of year can be changeable.

PE kit (which should be stored in a simple drawstring PE bag) should comprise of:

·         Plain, dark coloured shorts (not long Bermuda type)
·         A plain t-shirt in the colour of your child’s house team
·         Plimsolls or trainers
·         Hair bands for long hair and micro-pore tape to cover ear studs.

Children may also wear tracksuit/jogging bottoms during the cold weather. If your child wears tights, please ensure they have socks to wear under their trainers.

Many thanks for your co-operation.

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